XYLOCORDA (album design)

Album design for Xylocorda, Erazem Izigor Grafenauer and Petra Vidmar, released by Založba Rtv Slovenija. I started design with the with

Book design

I had a privilege to design a book entitled: Umetnost med prakso in teorijo. Scientific monograph with 11 articles devided

Calligraphic experiments

We (+Krista Likar) organized a 3-day long workshop with guest mentor: Guido de Boer. Bellow you can see some of


Wesna: typeface inspired by Slovenian interwar poster  is a new typeface that references the letterings of Slovenian posters and their

INDIGO Festival 2020 presentation

We (Type Salon) presented our latest project Spektra at Indigo festival 2020, Ljubljana. Bellow (gif) are few slides from the presentation.

Font Li Beirut (participation)

Font Li Beirut – harmony in discord I participated in A design collective for Beirut "The blast that rocked Beirut on August 4


Plečnik's original letterings Sketches based on Plečnik's lettering Sketches based on Plečnik's lettering Details Geometry Details PLECNIK - typeface based on handwritten lettering by Jože Plečnik The


Evolution of Classical Slovenian Chicken. Lately I have been working with the Slovenian classical musicians for the cover of their new

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